Thursday, 19 July 2018

1st International Conference on ” Recent Advances in Science, Engineering & Management” IC-RASEM 2018

We are  Organizing  1st  International Conference on the theme of  “Recent Advances in Science, Engineering & Management” in Association with Research Foundation of India. The IC-RASEM-2018 Invites papers in multidisciplinary subjects. The Selected papers shall be published in ‘International Journal –Indexed in Scopus or UGC Approved or Higher Impact Factor Journal.

 For registration & paper submission click on following link.

Faculty Development Program On Internet of Things

Date of Workshop– 20th July 2018 to 21st July 2018

Duration of the Workshop– 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Guest Speaker– Dr. Prashant P. Bansod, Professor and Head SGSIT, Indore
K.K.Rathi, Technology Envaligist, Microsoft Technologist and corporate trainer, quality management consultant six sigma black belt U.K.

Organised By– Department of CSE of SIRT, SAGE University

Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the internet. The ‘thing’ in IoT could be a person with a heart monitor or an automobile with built-in-sensors, i.e. objects that have been assigned an IP address and have the ability to collect and transfer data over a network without manual assistance or intervention. The embedded technology in the objects helps them to interact with internal states or the external environment, which in turn affects the decisions taken.

Expected Outcome– The participants will Learn fundamentals of IoT paradigms.
1)get an exposure to IoT development enviornment and hands on exercises.
2)Develop prototypes on IoT
3)Be able to find research challenges and their solution domain

Friday, 6 July 2018

SAGE University- A leading Private University in Madhya Pradesh

Nurturing Professional for Global Careers – SAGE University is amongst Premier Private Universities, and is where a unique fusion of technology, innovation and creativity works effectively towards preparing professional graduates for significant roles in business and society globally. It is promoted by the Management of Sagar Group of Institutions which has earned an enviable reputation as an award-winning Education Group through its achievements in winning a host of prestigious awards at national and international levels. SAGE University sound approach to nurturing school leavers into qualified professionals will results our graduates being highly sought after by employers.

While Technology forms a common core as an enabler across its academic programmes, SAGE University offers a broad range of programmes encompassing areas such as Applied Sciences, Agriculture, Computing, Technology and Engineering, as well as programs in Business, Accounting, Journalism and Mass Communication, Banking, Finance, LAW and Humanities. Whichever programme you choose be rest assured that our academic model of global standard ensures innovation and improvements in curriculum, teaching-learning process, and examination and evaluation systems. SAGE is learning focused University which you will feel by Project Based Learning: A Hands On Approach To Teaching from first day.

Thursday, 5 July 2018